If you are new to massage therapy, you might be wondering what to expect during a massage therapy appointment. We’re going to go through the steps so that you can enjoy your massage therapy treatment!
For your first appointment, you will need to fill out some health history forms so that we can make sure that massage therapy is safe for you, and how any medical conditions may affect your massage. At our clinic we will email you the health history forms when you make your appointment, however if you would rather fill them out on paper, you can do that when you arrive!
Be sure to show up on time, approximately 5 minutes before your appointment is great. You don’t want to feel rushed or stressed when you arrive.
Our amazing massage therapist will bring you into the treatment room and chat with you about why you are seeking massage therapy, your health history and your goals for treatment. They will likely ask you about any pain you have, past or current injuries, any allergies or sensitivities, etc.
If you’ve had massage therapy before you can share that experience and what you liked or disliked.
Your RMT will leave the room while you get on the massage table. Some people like to take off all their clothing, while others leave on their undergarments, it’s really up to you. Your massage therapist can chat with you if you have any questions about what to take off or leave on.
If you choose to be fully clothed, please wear loose fitting clothing (like sweatpants and a t-shirt) so that your body will not be restricted during your treatment. Cover yourself with the sheet and blanket on the table, your RMT will let you know whether to lay face up or face down to start (face down is the most common).
Your RMT will knock on the door before they come back in.
Once your massage therapist starts the treatment, it’s time for you to relax! Let them know if you’re experiencing any discomfort, or if they are using too much or too little pressure.
It’s normal for there to be some discomfort during your massage, especially if you have an injury that is being worked on, but it shouldn’t be unbearable.
Your RMT will only uncover one body part at a time that they are working on, otherwise you will be covered with the sheet. Feel free to chat during your massage if you’d like, but you can also relax quietly.
At the end of your massage your RMT will leave the room so you can get dressed. You may be given home care suggestions as well. You will come out of the massage room and back to the reception desk.
Whether you are seeking massage therapy for an injury, relaxation, stress or chronic pain, regular massage therapy can help! Chat with your RMT about a frequency that is right for you, and book your next appointment.
Mobility - Strength - Function
91 Sackville Dr Suite 201,
Lower Sackville, NS
B4C 2R3
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